Electronics & iot
Electronics have become an integral part of our daily lives — from smartphones to self-driving cars, we are continuously in contact with smart devices. We live in an era where devices not only simplify our lives, but their aesthetics and user interfaces also play an important role in creating emotional connections. The captivating combination of both functionality and aesthetics in electronic product design is where we excel.
Electronics &iot
Electronics have become an integral part of our daily lives — from smartphones to self-driving cars, we are continuously in contact with smart devices. We live in an era where devices not only simplify our lives, but their aesthetics and user interfaces also play an important role in creating emotional connections. The captivating combination of both functionality and aesthetics in electronic product design is where we excel.

Electronic product design
ManGo Product Design has developed a wide range of electronic products for our clients. Not only aesthetics but often also technical features. This includes the integration of sensors, actuators and the development of necessary mechatronics. Some of our client’s create Printed Circuit Board Assemblies (PCBA’s) themselves, whereby ManGo develops the custom electronics housing, fitting to the brand identity and vision. If you do not have any knowledge of electronics design in-house, ManGo can facilitate introductions with skilled developers in Europe or Asia.

Professional and consumer electronics
ManGo can create an attractive electronic product design for manufacturing in small or large series. From affordable consumer electronics produced in large series in Asia to locally made professional equipment. We determine the following with our clients before the start of our product development process: expected production volumes, budget for molds (from zero up to millions), desired manufacturing price and manufacturing location.
With the above information, it is possible to determine the most suitable manufacturing method. Subsequently, in our concept development process, only designs with these techniques will be proposed.

Internet of Things ǀ IoT development
The internet and the many possibilities of wireless communication have led to an enormous growth in smart connected devices in recent years. A significant part of the electronics design carried out by ManGo is an IoT development. Products that collect data and provide users with insights through algorithms and Artifial Intelligence (AI) have great promise. ManGo Product Design can advise you about wireless protocols, Product As A Service constructions and develop Graphic User Interfaces for any IoT development.

Electronics development for outdoor use
Everyone knows that electronics and water do not mix well. Dust and water resistance of an electronics housing are indicated by the IP-rating. The higher the rating, the more complex and expensive it becomes to manufacture. ManGo Product Design has developed electronics enclosures that can be cleaned with high-pressure washers and which are resistant to use under water. In our electronics development process, we can validate IP-ratings by making specific prototypes and using special test equipment. ManGo can advise you on the IP-rating that is applicable for your electronic product design in an introductory meeting, without any obligations.

Electronics design by ManGo
ManGo worked on the design of electronic products both for professional and consumer markets:
- Wearable devices
- Audio systems and speakers
- Home automation systems, routers
- Air purifiers and humidifiers
- Security, alarm and fire systems
- GPS trackers
- Cameras
- Printers
- Lighting systems
- Kitchen appliances
Electronics IoT, Juvenile
Avoid bedwetting with Urifoon
Electronics IoT, Machine
Digitizing books with Google
Electronics IoT
Versa GPS tracker
Electronics IoT, Juvenile
Playfully learning kids how to program
Electronics IoT
Automating beds with Octo
Medical & Health, Electronics IoT
Home monitoring of health and disease with Higo
More information
Are you looking for a electronics design company? Please contact us via the contact form or send a mail to: